For more information or to discuss a project,

please contact me at...

Reuven (Richard) Fauman

(+1) 310-927-2146 (US & WhatsApp)

058-629-9385 (Israel)

Before I started Truly Moving Stories, I worked as a free-lance cameraman/field producer for a number of reality TV shows.  From hanging out of helicopters, to spending 5 seasons riding along with LAPD, CHP and the US Marshals, to covering celebrity events, to travelling the world filming wildlife, it's been quite an experience!

PUBLIC SAFETY BLITZ...Working with the LAPD provided an opportunity to follow the LAPD's football team, the Centurions, for an entire season, as they vied for the National Public Safety League's championship.  They succeeded...and so did my co-producer Kevin Leadingham and me, to produce a 30 minute documentary that aired on KCET a half hour before the Superbowl a number of years ago.